Mixed Integer Optimization: Pumped Hydropower System (PHS)


This example focuses on how to incorporate mixed integer components into a hydraulic model with an example in hydropower, and assumes basic exposure to RTC-Tools. To start with basics, see Filling a Reservoir.


By default, if you define any integer or boolean variables in the model, RTC-Tools will switch from IPOPT to BONMIN. You can modify solver options by overriding the solver_options() method. Refer to CasADi’s nlpsol interface for a list of supported solvers. In this case we choose HiGHS because the problem in a convex MIP and thus HiGHS can be used and tends to be faster than BONMIN.

The Model

For this example, the model represents a simpled Pumped Hydropower System.

The model can be viewed and edited using the OpenModelica Connection Editor program. First load the Deltares library into OpenModelica Connection Editor, and then load the example model, located at <examples directory>\pumped_hydropower_system\model\PumpedStoragePlant.mo. The model PumpedStoragePlant.mo represents a simple water system with the following elements:

  • an inflow boundary condition Deltares.ChannelFlow.SimpleRouting.BoundaryConditions.Inflow,

  • an upper reservoir modelled as a storage element Deltares.ChannelFlow.SimpleRouting.Storage.Storage,

  • an lower reservoir Deltares.ChannelFlow.SimpleRouting.Reservoir.Reservoir,

  • The PHS pump which pumps water from the lower to the upper reservoir Deltares.ChannelFlow.SimpleRouting.Structures.DischargeControlledStructure,

  • The PHS turbine which generates energy while water flows from the upper to lower reservoir Deltares.ChannelFlow.SimpleRouting.Structures.DischargeControlledStructure,

  • an outflow boundary condition Deltares.ChannelFlow.SimpleRouting.BoundaryConditions.Terminal,


In text mode, the Modelica model looks as follows (with annotation statements removed):

 1model PumpedStoragePlant
 2  import SI = Modelica.SIunits;
 3  // Declare Model Elements
 4  Deltares.ChannelFlow.SimpleRouting.BoundaryConditions.Inflow Inflow annotation(
 5    Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-68, -4}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0)));
 6  Deltares.ChannelFlow.SimpleRouting.BoundaryConditions.Terminal Outflow annotation(
 7    Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {80, -2}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0)));
 8  Deltares.ChannelFlow.SimpleRouting.Storage.Storage UpperBasin annotation(
 9    Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {12, 82}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0)));
10  Deltares.ChannelFlow.SimpleRouting.Reservoir.Reservoir LowerBasin(n_QLateral = 2) annotation(
11    Placement(visible = trued, transformation(origin = {-8, 6}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0)));
12  Deltares.ChannelFlow.SimpleRouting.Structures.DischargeControlledStructure Pump annotation(
13    Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-24, 56}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 90)));
14  Deltares.ChannelFlow.SimpleRouting.Structures.DischargeControlledStructure Turbine annotation(
15    Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {14, 46}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = -90)));
17  // Define Input/Output Variables and set them equal to model variables
18  input SI.VolumeFlowRate Inflow_Q(fixed = true);
19  input SI.VolumeFlowRate PumpFlow(min = 0.0, max = 10.0, fixed = false);
20  input SI.VolumeFlowRate TurbineFlow(min = 0.0, max = 10.0, fixed = false);
21  input SI.VolumeFlowRate ReservoirTurbineFlow(min = 0.0, max = 100.0, fixed = false);
22  input SI.VolumeFlowRate ReservoirSpillFlow(min = 0.0, max = 100.0, fixed = false);
23  input Real cost_perP(fixed=true);
24  output Real PumpPower;
25  output Real TurbinePower;
26  output Real V_LowerBasin(min = 0.0, max = 1e7);
27  output Real V_UpperBasin(min = 0.0, max = 1e7);
28  output Real ReservoirPower;
29  output Real TotalSystemPower;
30  output Real TotalGeneratingPower(min = 0.0);
31  output Real SystemGeneratingRevenue;
32  output Real TotalSystemRevenue;
33  output Real TotalSystemRevenueSum;
34  output Real PumpCost;
36  // Define Boolean to ensure pumped storage turbine and pump cannot be used simultaneously
37  Boolean Turbine_is_on;
39  // Define constants for simple power calculations
40  parameter Real efficiency_reservoir = 0.88;
41  parameter Real efficiency_pump = 0.7;
42  parameter Real efficiency_turbine = 0.9;
43  parameter Real gravity = 9.81;
44  parameter Real rho = 1000.0;
45  parameter Real fix_dH_reservoir = 2.5;
46  parameter Real fix_dH_pump = 10.0;
47  parameter Real fix_dH_turbine = 10.0;
50  Inflow.QOut.Q = Inflow_Q;
51  Pump.Q = PumpFlow;
52  Turbine.Q = TurbineFlow;
53  LowerBasin.Q_turbine = ReservoirTurbineFlow;
54  LowerBasin.Q_spill = ReservoirSpillFlow;
55  V_LowerBasin = LowerBasin.V;
56  V_UpperBasin = UpperBasin.V;
57  PumpPower = efficiency_pump * PumpFlow * fix_dH_pump * gravity * rho;
58  TurbinePower = efficiency_turbine * TurbineFlow * fix_dH_turbine * gravity * rho;
59  ReservoirPower = efficiency_reservoir * gravity * rho * fix_dH_reservoir * ReservoirTurbineFlow;
60  TotalSystemPower = ReservoirPower + TurbinePower - PumpPower;
61  TotalGeneratingPower = ReservoirPower + TurbinePower;
62  PumpCost = PumpPower * cost_perP;
63  SystemGeneratingRevenue = TotalGeneratingPower*cost_perP;
64  TotalSystemRevenue = SystemGeneratingRevenue-PumpCost;
65  TotalSystemRevenueSum = transpose(sum(TotalSystemRevenue));
67  // Connect elements
68  connect(Turbine.QOut, LowerBasin.QLateral[2]) annotation(
69    Line(points = {{14, 38}, {-4, 38}, {-4, 14}}));
70  connect(Inflow.QOut, LowerBasin.QIn) annotation(
71    Line(points = {{-60, -4}, {-37, -4}, {-37, 6}, {-16, 6}}));
72  connect(LowerBasin.QOut, Outflow.QIn) annotation(
73    Line(points = {{0, 6}, {37, 6}, {37, -2}, {72, -2}}));
74  connect(LowerBasin.QLateral[1], Pump.QIn) annotation(
75    Line(points = {{-4, 14}, {-24, 14}, {-24, 48}}, thickness = 0.5));
76  connect(UpperBasin.QOut, Turbine.QIn) annotation(
77    Line(points = {{20, 82}, {14, 82}, {14, 54}}));
78  connect(Pump.QOut, UpperBasin.QIn) annotation(
79    Line(points = {{-24, 64}, {4, 64}, {4, 82}}));
80end PumpedStoragePlant;

The five water system elements (inflow boundary condition, storage, reservoir, Discharge controlled structure and outflow boundary condition) appear under the model PumpedStoragePlant statement. The equation part connects these five elements with the help of connections.

In addition to elements, the input variables Inflow_Q, PumpFlow, TurbineFlow, ReservoirTurbineFlow, ReservoirSpillFlow and cost_perP are also defined. Because we want to view the power output and costs in the output file, we also define output variables PumpPower, TurbinePower, V_LowerBasin,``V_UpperBasin``, ReservoirPower, TotalSystemPower,``TotalGeneratingPower``, SystemGeneratingRevenue, TotalSystemRevenue, TotalSystemRevenueSum, PumpCost.

To maintain represent the behaviour of a reversible PHS pump/turbine unit, we input the Boolean Turbine_is_on as a way to ensure the PHS unit cannot be pumping and generating at the same time. This variable is not used directly in the hydraulics, but we use it later in the constraints in the python file.

The Optimization Problem

The python script consists of the following blocks:

  • Import of packages

  • Definition of goals

  • Definition of the optimization problem class

    • Pre-processing

    • Setting of varaible nominals

    • Definition of constraints

    • Additional configuration of the solver

    • Post-processing

  • A run statement

Importing Packages

For this example, the import block is as follows:

 1import numpy as np
 2from rtctools.optimization.collocated_integrated_optimization_problem import (
 3    CollocatedIntegratedOptimizationProblem,
 5from rtctools.optimization.csv_mixin import CSVMixin
 6from rtctools.optimization.goal_programming_mixin import GoalProgrammingMixin, StateGoal
 7from rtctools.optimization.linearized_order_goal_programming_mixin import (
 8    LinearizedOrderGoalProgrammingMixin,
10from rtctools.optimization.modelica_mixin import ModelicaMixin
11from rtctools.util import run_optimization_problem

Optimization Problem

First we define any goals we want to use during the optimization. These classes extend the Goal class of RTC-Tools.

The TargetGoal calculates the deviations from the state and the target_min and target_max. It is of order 4, so it then minimizes the sum of these deviations raised to the power of 4. For this example the class is defined as follows.

14class TargetGoal(StateGoal):
15    order = 4
17    def __init__(
18        self,
19        optimization_problem,
20        state,
21        target_min,
22        target_max,
23        function_range,
24        priority,
25        function_nominal=1,
26    ):
27        self.state = state
28        self.target_min = target_min
29        self.target_max = target_max
30        self.priority = priority
31        super().__init__(optimization_problem)
32        self.function_range = function_range
33        self.function_nominal = function_nominal

The MaxRevenueGoal maximizes the state varibable. To achive this, we minimize the negative of the state. For this example the class is defined as follows.

36class MaxRevenueGoal(StateGoal):
37    order = 1
38    state = "SystemGeneratingRevenue"
39    priority = 30
41    def function(self, optimization_problem, ensemble_member):
42        return -optimization_problem.state(self.state)

The MinCostGoal minimizes the state which is passed to the goal. For this example the class is defined as follows.

45class MinCostGoal(StateGoal):
46    order = 1
47    state = "PumpCost"
48    priority = 25

Next, we construct the class by declaring it and inheriting the desired parent classes.

52    LinearizedOrderGoalProgrammingMixin,
53    GoalProgrammingMixin,
54    CSVMixin,
55    ModelicaMixin,
56    CollocatedIntegratedOptimizationProblem,
58    model_name = "PumpedStoragePlant"

The pre-processing is called before any goals are added. Here we define a power_nominal. This is the the avergae of the Target_Power timeseries and is unsed to improve the scaling of the model.

60    def pre(self):
61        super().pre()
62        self.power_nominal = np.mean(self.get_timeseries("Target_Power").values)

Constraints can be declared by declaring the path_constraints() method. Path constraints are constraints that are applied every timestep. To set a constraint at an individual timestep, define it inside the constraints method. Four constraints are added using the Big-M formualtion to ensure the pumps and Turbine joining the upper and lower reservoirs cannot be used at the same time.

64    def path_constraints(self, ensemble_member):
65        """
66        These constraints are formulated using the Big-M notation and represent the reversible
67        pump-turbine unit used to move water between the upper and lower reservoirs.
69        Boolean
70        -------
71        Turbine_is_on is a boolean which is 1 when the reversible unit is working as a turbine,
72        and 0 otherwsie. This is imposed by the following constraints
74        Constraints
75        -----------
76        0 <= PumpFlow + Turbine_is_on * M <= inf
77        0 <= TurbineFlow + (1 - Turbine_is_on) * M <= inf
78        -inf <= PumpFlow - (1 - Turbine_is_on) * M <= 0
79        -inf <= TurbineFlow - Turbine_is_on * M <= 0
80        """
81        constraints = super().path_constraints(ensemble_member)
83        M = 200.0
84        constraints.append((self.state("PumpFlow") + self.state("Turbine_is_on") * M, 0.0, np.inf))
85        constraints.append(
86            (self.state("TurbineFlow") + (1 - self.state("Turbine_is_on")) * M, 0.0, np.inf)
87        )
88        constraints.append(
89            (self.state("PumpFlow") - (1 - self.state("Turbine_is_on")) * M, -np.inf, 0.0)
90        )
91        constraints.append(
92            (self.state("TurbineFlow") - self.state("Turbine_is_on") * M, -np.inf, 0.0)
93        )
95        return constraints

Variable nominals can be set in the modelica model file, or via the varaible_nominal definition. This can be useful if you want you variable nominal to depend on a non-fixed value. Here the power_nominal caluclated in the pre is set to be the nominal for the staes TotalGeneratingPower and TurbinePower.

 97    def variable_nominal(self, variable=None):
 98        nom = super().variable_nominal(variable)
 99        if variable == "TotalGeneratingPower":
100            return self.power_nominal
101        elif variable == "TurbinePower":
102            return self.power_nominal
103        else:
104            return nom

The optimization objectives are added in path_goals. There are four goal in order of priority:

  • Priority 10

    • Goal to meet target power

  • Priority 20

    • Goal to minimize the spill of the lower reservoir

  • Priority 25

    • Minimize the cost associated with operating the pump

  • Priority 30

    • Maximize the revenue generated form using turbines at the upper and lower reservoir

106    def path_goals(self):
107        goals = super().path_goals()
108        # 020 goal to set the target spill flow as zero
109        goals.append(
110            TargetGoal(
111                self,
112                state="ReservoirSpillFlow",
113                target_min=np.nan,
114                target_max=0.0,
115                function_range=(0.0, 100.0),
116                priority=20,
117            )
118        )
119        # 030 goal to ensure the power generation meets the target
120        target = self.get_timeseries("Target_Power")
121        goals.append(
122            TargetGoal(
123                self,
124                state="TotalSystemPower",
125                target_min=target,
126                target_max=target,
127                function_range=(0.0, 4e6),
128                function_nominal=self.power_nominal,
129                priority=10,
130            )
131        )
132        # 040 goal to minimise the cost of the pump
133        goals.append(MinCostGoal(self))
134        # 050 goal to maximise the revenue from the turbines
135        goals.append(MaxRevenueGoal(self))
137        return goals

We want to apply some additional configuration, choosing the HiGHS solver over the default choice of bonmin for solving the mxed integer optimization problem. :

139    def solver_options(self):
140        options = super().solver_options()
141        options["casadi_solver"] = "qpsol"
142        options["solver"] = "highs"
143        return options

Finally, we want to print the Total revenue of the system. This can be done in the post.

145    def post(self):
146        super().post()
147        results = self.extract_results()
148        results["TotalSystemRevenueSum"] = np.sum(results["TotalSystemRevenue"])
149        print("Total Revenue is " + str(results["TotalSystemRevenueSum"]))

Run the Optimization Problem

To make our script run, at the bottom of our file we just have to call the run_optimization_problem() method we imported on the optimization problem class we just created.


The Whole Script

All together, the whole example script is as follows:

  1import numpy as np
  2from rtctools.optimization.collocated_integrated_optimization_problem import (
  3    CollocatedIntegratedOptimizationProblem,
  5from rtctools.optimization.csv_mixin import CSVMixin
  6from rtctools.optimization.goal_programming_mixin import GoalProgrammingMixin, StateGoal
  7from rtctools.optimization.linearized_order_goal_programming_mixin import (
  8    LinearizedOrderGoalProgrammingMixin,
 10from rtctools.optimization.modelica_mixin import ModelicaMixin
 11from rtctools.util import run_optimization_problem
 14class TargetGoal(StateGoal):
 15    order = 4
 17    def __init__(
 18        self,
 19        optimization_problem,
 20        state,
 21        target_min,
 22        target_max,
 23        function_range,
 24        priority,
 25        function_nominal=1,
 26    ):
 27        self.state = state
 28        self.target_min = target_min
 29        self.target_max = target_max
 30        self.priority = priority
 31        super().__init__(optimization_problem)
 32        self.function_range = function_range
 33        self.function_nominal = function_nominal
 36class MaxRevenueGoal(StateGoal):
 37    order = 1
 38    state = "SystemGeneratingRevenue"
 39    priority = 30
 41    def function(self, optimization_problem, ensemble_member):
 42        return -optimization_problem.state(self.state)
 45class MinCostGoal(StateGoal):
 46    order = 1
 47    state = "PumpCost"
 48    priority = 25
 51class PumpStorage(
 52    LinearizedOrderGoalProgrammingMixin,
 53    GoalProgrammingMixin,
 54    CSVMixin,
 55    ModelicaMixin,
 56    CollocatedIntegratedOptimizationProblem,
 58    model_name = "PumpedStoragePlant"
 60    def pre(self):
 61        super().pre()
 62        self.power_nominal = np.mean(self.get_timeseries("Target_Power").values)
 64    def path_constraints(self, ensemble_member):
 65        """
 66        These constraints are formulated using the Big-M notation and represent the reversible
 67        pump-turbine unit used to move water between the upper and lower reservoirs.
 69        Boolean
 70        -------
 71        Turbine_is_on is a boolean which is 1 when the reversible unit is working as a turbine,
 72        and 0 otherwsie. This is imposed by the following constraints
 74        Constraints
 75        -----------
 76        0 <= PumpFlow + Turbine_is_on * M <= inf
 77        0 <= TurbineFlow + (1 - Turbine_is_on) * M <= inf
 78        -inf <= PumpFlow - (1 - Turbine_is_on) * M <= 0
 79        -inf <= TurbineFlow - Turbine_is_on * M <= 0
 80        """
 81        constraints = super().path_constraints(ensemble_member)
 83        M = 200.0
 84        constraints.append((self.state("PumpFlow") + self.state("Turbine_is_on") * M, 0.0, np.inf))
 85        constraints.append(
 86            (self.state("TurbineFlow") + (1 - self.state("Turbine_is_on")) * M, 0.0, np.inf)
 87        )
 88        constraints.append(
 89            (self.state("PumpFlow") - (1 - self.state("Turbine_is_on")) * M, -np.inf, 0.0)
 90        )
 91        constraints.append(
 92            (self.state("TurbineFlow") - self.state("Turbine_is_on") * M, -np.inf, 0.0)
 93        )
 95        return constraints
 97    def variable_nominal(self, variable=None):
 98        nom = super().variable_nominal(variable)
 99        if variable == "TotalGeneratingPower":
100            return self.power_nominal
101        elif variable == "TurbinePower":
102            return self.power_nominal
103        else:
104            return nom
106    def path_goals(self):
107        goals = super().path_goals()
108        # 020 goal to set the target spill flow as zero
109        goals.append(
110            TargetGoal(
111                self,
112                state="ReservoirSpillFlow",
113                target_min=np.nan,
114                target_max=0.0,
115                function_range=(0.0, 100.0),
116                priority=20,
117            )
118        )
119        # 030 goal to ensure the power generation meets the target
120        target = self.get_timeseries("Target_Power")
121        goals.append(
122            TargetGoal(
123                self,
124                state="TotalSystemPower",
125                target_min=target,
126                target_max=target,
127                function_range=(0.0, 4e6),
128                function_nominal=self.power_nominal,
129                priority=10,
130            )
131        )
132        # 040 goal to minimise the cost of the pump
133        goals.append(MinCostGoal(self))
134        # 050 goal to maximise the revenue from the turbines
135        goals.append(MaxRevenueGoal(self))
137        return goals
139    def solver_options(self):
140        options = super().solver_options()
141        options["casadi_solver"] = "qpsol"
142        options["solver"] = "highs"
143        return options
145    def post(self):
146        super().post()
147        results = self.extract_results()
148        results["TotalSystemRevenueSum"] = np.sum(results["TotalSystemRevenue"])
149        print("Total Revenue is " + str(results["TotalSystemRevenueSum"]))
152# Run

Running the Optimization Problem

To run the model, run the python file. /examples/pumped_hydropower_system/src/example.py.

Extracting Results

The results from the run are found in output/timeseries_export.csv. Any CSV-reading software can import it, but this is how results can be plotted using the python library matplotlib:

from datetime import datetime

import matplotlib.dates as mdates
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

# Import Data
data_path = "../../../examples/pumped_hydropower_system/reference_output/timeseries_export.csv"
import_data_path = "../../../examples/pumped_hydropower_system/input//timeseries_import.csv"
results = np.recfromcsv(data_path, encoding=None)
inputs = np.recfromcsv(import_data_path, encoding=None)

# Get times as datetime objects
times = [datetime.strptime(x, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") for x in results["time"]]

# Generate Plot
fig, axarr = plt.subplots(4, sharex=True)
axarr[0].set_title("Simple Pumped Hydropower System")

# Subplot 1
axarr[0].set_ylabel("Power [W]")
    times, results["turbinepower"], label="Upper reservoir turbine", linewidth=1, color="b"
axarr[0].plot(times, results["pumppower"], label="Upper reservoir pumping", linewidth=1, color="g")
    times, results["reservoirpower"], label="Lower reservoir turbine", linewidth=1, color="m"
axarr[0].plot(times, results["totalsystempower"], label="Total System", linewidth=1, color="r")

# Subplot 2
axarr[1].set_ylabel(r"Reservoir Volume ($m^3$)")
axarr[1].plot(times, results["v_upperbasin"], label="Upper reservoir", linewidth=1, color="b")
axarr[1].plot(times, results["v_lowerbasin"], label="Lower reservoir", linewidth=1, color="g")

# Subplot 3
axarr[2].set_ylabel(r"Revenue ($)")
axarr[2].plot(times, results["totalsystemrevenue"], label="Total System", linewidth=1, color="b")
    times, results["systemgeneratingrevenue"], label="System Generating", linewidth=1, color="g"

# Subplot 4
axarr[3].set_ylabel(r"Energy price ($/W)")
axarr[3].plot(times, inputs["cost_perp"], label="Price signal", linewidth=1, color="b")

# Format bottom axis label

# Shrink margins

# Shrink each axis and put a legend to the right of the axis
for i in range(len(axarr)):
    box = axarr[i].get_position()
    axarr[i].set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * 0.8, box.height])
    axarr[i].legend(loc="center left", bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5), frameon=False)

plt.autoscale(enable=True, axis="x", tight=True)

# Output Plot

(Source code, svg, png)



The target power is met and to do so, the upper reservoir (pumped storage) is used. As we want to minimise the cost of using the pump, the pump is used only when the cost is low.