Using Lookup Tables


This example focuses on how to implement non-linear storage elements in RTC-Tools using lookup tables. It assumes basic exposure to RTC-Tools. If you are a first-time user of RTC-Tools, see Filling a Reservoir.

This example also uses goal programming in the formulation. If you are unfamiliar with goal programming, please see Goal Programming: Defining Multiple Objectives.

The Model


This example uses the same hydraulic model as the basic example. For a detalied explaination of the hydraulic model, see Filling a Reservoir.

In OpenModelica Connection Editor, the model looks like this:


In text mode, the Modelica model is as follows (with annotation statements removed):

 1model Example
 2  Deltares.ChannelFlow.SimpleRouting.BoundaryConditions.Inflow inflow;
 3  Deltares.ChannelFlow.SimpleRouting.Storage.Storage storage(V(nominal=4e5, min=2e5, max=6e5));
 4  Deltares.ChannelFlow.SimpleRouting.BoundaryConditions.Terminal outfall;
 5  input Modelica.SIunits.VolumeFlowRate Q_in(fixed = true);
 6  input Modelica.SIunits.VolumeFlowRate Q_release(fixed = false, min = 0.0, max = 10.0);
 8  connect(inflow.QOut, storage.QIn);
 9  connect(storage.QOut, outfall.QIn);
10  storage.Q_release = Q_release;
11  inflow.Q = Q_in;
12end Example;

The Optimization Problem

The python script consists of the following blocks:

  • Import of packages

  • Declaration of Goals

  • Declaration of the optimization problem class

    • Constructor

    • Declaration of a pre() method

    • Specification of Goals

    • Declaration of a priority_completed() method

    • Declaration of a post() method

    • Additional configuration of the solver

  • A run statement

Importing Packages

For this example, the import block is as follows:

1import numpy as np
2from rtctools.optimization.collocated_integrated_optimization_problem import (
3    CollocatedIntegratedOptimizationProblem,
5from rtctools.optimization.csv_lookup_table_mixin import CSVLookupTableMixin
6from rtctools.optimization.csv_mixin import CSVMixin
7from rtctools.optimization.goal_programming_mixin import GoalProgrammingMixin, StateGoal
8from rtctools.optimization.modelica_mixin import ModelicaMixin
9from rtctools.util import run_optimization_problem

Declaring Goals

Goals are defined as classes that inherit the Goal parent class. The components of goals can be found in Multi-objective optimization. In this example, we use the helper goal class, StateGoal.

First, we have a high priority goal to keep the water volume within a minimum and maximum. We use a water volume goal instead of a water level goal when the volume-storage relation of the storage element is non-linear. The volume of water in the storage element behaves linearly, while the water level does not.

However, goals are usually defined in the form of water level goals. We will convert the water level goals into volume goals within the optimization problem class, so we define the __init__() method so we can pass the values of the goals in later. We call the super() method to avoid overwriting the __init__() method of the parent class.

12class WaterVolumeRangeGoal(StateGoal):
13    # We want to add a water volume range goal to our optimization. However, at
14    # the time of defining this goal we still do not know what the value of the
15    # min and max are. We add an __init__() method so that the values of these
16    # goals can be defined when the optimization problem class instantiates
17    # this goal.
18    def __init__(self, optimization_problem):
19        # Assign V_min and V_max the the target range
20        self.target_min = optimization_problem.get_timeseries("V_min")
21        self.target_max = optimization_problem.get_timeseries("V_max")
22        super().__init__(optimization_problem)
24    state = "storage.V"
25    priority = 1

We also want to save energy, so we define a goal to minimize Q_release. This goal has a lower priority.

28class MinimizeQreleaseGoal(StateGoal):
29    # GoalProgrammingMixin will try to minimize the following state:
30    state = "Q_release"
31    # The lower the number returned by this function, the higher the priority.
32    priority = 2
33    # The penalty variable is taken to the order'th power.
34    order = 1

Note that this goal is phrased different from what we have seen before. In the Filling a Reservoir example, we had as a goal to minimize the integral of Q_release; now, we have a path goal to minimize Q_release at every time step. These two formulations come down to the same thing (and if you replace one by the other the result stays the same).

Optimization Problem

Next, we construct the class by declaring it and inheriting the desired parent classes.

37class Example(
38    GoalProgrammingMixin,
39    CSVLookupTableMixin,
40    CSVMixin,
41    ModelicaMixin,
42    CollocatedIntegratedOptimizationProblem,

The method pre() is already defined in RTC-Tools, but we would like to add a line to it to create a variable for storing intermediate results. To do this, we declare a new pre() method, call super().pre() to ensure that the original method runs unmodified, and add in a variable declaration to store our list of intermediate results.

We also want to convert our water level (H) range goal into a water volume (V) range goal. Some values H and what value V they correspond to, for this specific storage element are found in examples/lookup_table/input/lookup_tables/storage_V.csv. Interpolation between these points is done by fitting a smooth curve (so-called Cubic B-Splines, which are polynomials of degree 3) through the points. The original table needs to have at least 4 rows for this method to work. We can access the resulting function describing the water level-storage relation using the lookup_table() method. We cache the functions for convenience. The lookup_storage_V() method can convert timeseries objects, and we save the water volume goal bounds as timeseries.

49    def pre(self):
50        super().pre()
51        # Empty list for storing intermediate_results
52        self.intermediate_results = []
54        # Cache lookup tables for convenience and legibility
55        _lookup_tables = self.lookup_tables(ensemble_member=0)
56        self.lookup_storage_V = _lookup_tables["storage_V"]
58        # Non-varrying goals can be implemented as a timeseries like this:
59        self.set_timeseries("H_min", np.ones_like(self.times()) * 0.44, output=False)
61        # Q_in is a varying input and is defined in timeseries_import.csv
62        # However, if we set it again here, it will be added to the output file
63        self.set_timeseries("Q_in", self.get_timeseries("Q_in"))
65        # Convert our water level constraints into volume constraints
66        self.set_timeseries("V_max", self.lookup_storage_V(self.get_timeseries("H_max")))
67        self.set_timeseries("V_min", self.lookup_storage_V(self.get_timeseries("H_min")))

Notice that H_max was not defined in pre(). This is because it was defined as a timeseries import. We access timeseries using get_timeseries() and store them using set_timeseries(). Once a timeseries is set, we can access it later. In addition, all timeseries that are set are automatically included in the output file. You can find more information on timeseries here Basics.

Now we pass in the goals. We want to apply our goals to every timestep, so we use the path_goals() method. This is a method that returns a list of the goals we defined above. The WaterVolumeRangeGoal needs to be instantiated with the new water volume timeseries we just defined.

69    def path_goals(self):
70        g = []
71        g.append(WaterVolumeRangeGoal(self))
72        g.append(MinimizeQreleaseGoal(self))
73        return g

If all we cared about were the results, we could end our class declaration here. However, it is usually helpful to track how the solution changes after optimizing each priority level. To track these changes, we need to add three methods.

We define the priority_completed() method to inspect and summerize the results. These are appended to our intermediate results variable after each priority is completed.

78    def priority_completed(self, priority):
79        results = self.extract_results()
80        self.set_timeseries("storage_V", results["storage.V"])
82        _max = self.get_timeseries("V_max").values
83        _min = self.get_timeseries("V_min").values
84        storage_V = self.get_timeseries("storage_V").values
86        # A little bit of tolerance when checking for acceptance.
87        tol = 10
88        _max += tol
89        _min -= tol
90        n_level_satisfied = sum(np.logical_and(_min <= storage_V, storage_V <= _max))
91        q_release_integral = sum(results["Q_release"])
92        self.intermediate_results.append((priority, n_level_satisfied, q_release_integral))

We output our intermediate results using the post() method. Again, we nedd to call the super() method to avoid overwiting the internal method.

 94    def post(self):
 95        # Call super() class to not overwrite default behaviour
 96        super().post()
 97        for priority, n_level_satisfied, q_release_integral in self.intermediate_results:
 98            print("\nAfter finishing goals of priority {}:".format(priority))
 99            print(
100                "Volume goal satisfied at {} of {} time steps".format(
101                    n_level_satisfied, len(self.times())
102                )
103            )
104            print("Integral of Q_release = {:.2f}".format(q_release_integral))

Finally, we want to apply some additional configuration, reducing the amount of information the solver outputs:

107    def solver_options(self):
108        options = super().solver_options()
109        solver = options["solver"]
110        options[solver]["print_level"] = 1
111        return options

Run the Optimization Problem

To make our script run, at the bottom of our file we just have to call the run_optimization_problem() method we imported on the optimization problem class we just created.


The Whole Script

All together, the whole example script is as follows:

  1import numpy as np
  2from rtctools.optimization.collocated_integrated_optimization_problem import (
  3    CollocatedIntegratedOptimizationProblem,
  5from rtctools.optimization.csv_lookup_table_mixin import CSVLookupTableMixin
  6from rtctools.optimization.csv_mixin import CSVMixin
  7from rtctools.optimization.goal_programming_mixin import GoalProgrammingMixin, StateGoal
  8from rtctools.optimization.modelica_mixin import ModelicaMixin
  9from rtctools.util import run_optimization_problem
 12class WaterVolumeRangeGoal(StateGoal):
 13    # We want to add a water volume range goal to our optimization. However, at
 14    # the time of defining this goal we still do not know what the value of the
 15    # min and max are. We add an __init__() method so that the values of these
 16    # goals can be defined when the optimization problem class instantiates
 17    # this goal.
 18    def __init__(self, optimization_problem):
 19        # Assign V_min and V_max the the target range
 20        self.target_min = optimization_problem.get_timeseries("V_min")
 21        self.target_max = optimization_problem.get_timeseries("V_max")
 22        super().__init__(optimization_problem)
 24    state = "storage.V"
 25    priority = 1
 28class MinimizeQreleaseGoal(StateGoal):
 29    # GoalProgrammingMixin will try to minimize the following state:
 30    state = "Q_release"
 31    # The lower the number returned by this function, the higher the priority.
 32    priority = 2
 33    # The penalty variable is taken to the order'th power.
 34    order = 1
 37class Example(
 38    GoalProgrammingMixin,
 39    CSVLookupTableMixin,
 40    CSVMixin,
 41    ModelicaMixin,
 42    CollocatedIntegratedOptimizationProblem,
 44    """
 45    An extention of the goal programming example that shows how to incorporate
 46    non-linear storage elements in the model.
 47    """
 49    def pre(self):
 50        super().pre()
 51        # Empty list for storing intermediate_results
 52        self.intermediate_results = []
 54        # Cache lookup tables for convenience and legibility
 55        _lookup_tables = self.lookup_tables(ensemble_member=0)
 56        self.lookup_storage_V = _lookup_tables["storage_V"]
 58        # Non-varrying goals can be implemented as a timeseries like this:
 59        self.set_timeseries("H_min", np.ones_like(self.times()) * 0.44, output=False)
 61        # Q_in is a varying input and is defined in timeseries_import.csv
 62        # However, if we set it again here, it will be added to the output file
 63        self.set_timeseries("Q_in", self.get_timeseries("Q_in"))
 65        # Convert our water level constraints into volume constraints
 66        self.set_timeseries("V_max", self.lookup_storage_V(self.get_timeseries("H_max")))
 67        self.set_timeseries("V_min", self.lookup_storage_V(self.get_timeseries("H_min")))
 69    def path_goals(self):
 70        g = []
 71        g.append(WaterVolumeRangeGoal(self))
 72        g.append(MinimizeQreleaseGoal(self))
 73        return g
 75    # We want to print some information about our goal programming problem. We
 76    # store the useful numbers temporarily, and print information at the end of
 77    # our run (see post() method below).
 78    def priority_completed(self, priority):
 79        results = self.extract_results()
 80        self.set_timeseries("storage_V", results["storage.V"])
 82        _max = self.get_timeseries("V_max").values
 83        _min = self.get_timeseries("V_min").values
 84        storage_V = self.get_timeseries("storage_V").values
 86        # A little bit of tolerance when checking for acceptance.
 87        tol = 10
 88        _max += tol
 89        _min -= tol
 90        n_level_satisfied = sum(np.logical_and(_min <= storage_V, storage_V <= _max))
 91        q_release_integral = sum(results["Q_release"])
 92        self.intermediate_results.append((priority, n_level_satisfied, q_release_integral))
 94    def post(self):
 95        # Call super() class to not overwrite default behaviour
 96        super().post()
 97        for priority, n_level_satisfied, q_release_integral in self.intermediate_results:
 98            print("\nAfter finishing goals of priority {}:".format(priority))
 99            print(
100                "Volume goal satisfied at {} of {} time steps".format(
101                    n_level_satisfied, len(self.times())
102                )
103            )
104            print("Integral of Q_release = {:.2f}".format(q_release_integral))
106    # Any solver options can be set here
107    def solver_options(self):
108        options = super().solver_options()
109        solver = options["solver"]
110        options[solver]["print_level"] = 1
111        return options
114# Run

Running the Optimization Problem

Following the execution of the optimization problem, the post() method should print out the following lines:

After finishing goals of priority 1:
Volume goal satisfied at 12 of 12 time steps
Integral of Q_release = 42.69

After finishing goals of priority 2:
Volume goal satisfied at 12 of 12 time steps
Integral of Q_release = 42.58

As the output indicates, while optimizing for the priority 1 goal, no attempt was made to minimize the integral of Q_release. The only objective was to minimize the number of states in violation of the water level goal.

After optimizing for the priority 2 goal, the solver was able to find a solution that reduced the integral of Q_release without increasing the number of timesteps where the water level exceded the limit.

Extracting Results

The results from the run are found in output/timeseries_export.csv. Any CSV-reading software can import it, but this is how results can be plotted using the python library matplotlib:

from datetime import datetime

import matplotlib.dates as mdates
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

# Import Data
data_path = "../../../examples/lookup_table/reference_output/timeseries_export.csv"
results = np.recfromcsv(data_path, encoding=None)

# Get times as datetime objects
times = [datetime.strptime(x, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") for x in results["time"]]

# Generate Plot
n_subplots = 2
fig, axarr = plt.subplots(n_subplots, sharex=True, figsize=(8, 3 * n_subplots))
axarr[0].set_title("Water Volume and Discharge")

# Upper subplot
axarr[0].set_ylabel("Water Volume [m³]")
axarr[0].ticklabel_format(style="sci", axis="y", scilimits=(0, 0))
axarr[0].plot(times, results["storage_v"], label="Storage", linewidth=2, color="b")
axarr[0].plot(times, results["v_max"], label="Storage Max", linewidth=2, color="r", linestyle="--")
axarr[0].plot(times, results["v_min"], label="Storage Min", linewidth=2, color="g", linestyle="--")

# Lower Subplot
axarr[1].set_ylabel("Flow Rate [m³/s]")
axarr[1].scatter(times, results["q_in"], linewidth=1, color="g")
axarr[1].scatter(times, results["q_release"], linewidth=1, color="r")
# add horizontal lines to the left of these dots, to indicate that the value is attained over an
# entire timestep:
axarr[1].step(times, results["q_in"], linewidth=2, where="pre", label="Inflow", color="g")
axarr[1].step(times, results["q_release"], linewidth=1, where="pre", label="Release", color="r")

# Format bottom axis label

# Shrink margins

# Shrink each axis and put a legend to the right of the axis
for i in range(n_subplots):
    box = axarr[i].get_position()
    axarr[i].set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * 0.8, box.height])
    axarr[i].legend(loc="center left", bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5), frameon=False)

plt.autoscale(enable=True, axis="x", tight=True)

# Output Plot

(Source code, svg, png)
