Source code for rtctools.optimization.control_tree_mixin

import logging
from typing import Dict, List, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np

from .optimization_problem import OptimizationProblem

logger = logging.getLogger("rtctools")

[docs] class ControlTreeMixin(OptimizationProblem): """ Adds a stochastic control tree to your optimization problem. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.__branches = {}
[docs] def control_tree_options(self) -> Dict[str, Union[List[str], List[float], int]]: """ Returns a dictionary of options controlling the creation of a k-ary stochastic tree. +------------------------+---------------------+-----------------------+ | Option | Type | Default value | +========================+=====================+=======================+ | ``forecast_variables`` | ``list`` of strings | All constant inputs | +------------------------+---------------------+-----------------------+ | ``branching_times`` | ``list`` of floats | ``self.times()`` | +------------------------+---------------------+-----------------------+ | ``k`` | ``int`` | ``2`` | +------------------------+---------------------+-----------------------+ A ``k``-ary tree is generated, branching at every interior branching time. Ensemble members are clustered to paths through the tree based on average distance over all forecast variables. :returns: A dictionary of control tree generation options. """ options = {} options["forecast_variables"] = [ for var in self.dae_variables["constant_inputs"] ] options["branching_times"] = self.times()[1:] options["k"] = 2 return options
def discretize_control(self, variable, ensemble_member, times, offset): control_indices = np.zeros(len(times), dtype=np.int16) for branch, members in self.__branches.items(): if ensemble_member not in members: continue branching_time_0 = self.__branching_times[len(branch) + 0] branching_time_1 = self.__branching_times[len(branch) + 1] els = np.logical_and(times >= branching_time_0, times < branching_time_1) nnz = np.count_nonzero(els) try: control_indices[els] = self.__discretize_controls_cache[(variable, branch)] except KeyError: control_indices[els] = list(range(offset, offset + nnz)) self.__discretize_controls_cache[(variable, branch)] = control_indices[els] offset += nnz return control_indices def discretize_controls(self, resolved_bounds): self.__discretize_controls_cache = {} # Collect options options = self.control_tree_options() # Make sure branching times contain initial and final time. The # presence of these is assumed below. times = self.times() t0 = self.initial_time self.__branching_times = options["branching_times"] n_branching_times = len(self.__branching_times) if n_branching_times > len(times) - 1: raise Exception("Too many branching points specified") self.__branching_times = np.concatenate(([t0], self.__branching_times, [np.inf])) logger.debug("ControlTreeMixin: Branching times:") logger.debug(self.__branching_times) # Branches start at branching times, so that the tree looks like the following: # # *----- # *----- # *----- # # t0 t1 # # with branching time t1. branches = {} def branch(current_branch: Tuple[int]): if len(current_branch) >= n_branching_times: return # Branch stats n_branch_members = len(branches[current_branch]) if n_branch_members == 0: # Nothing to do return distances = np.zeros((n_branch_members, n_branch_members)) # Decide branching on a segment of the time horizon branching_time_0 = self.__branching_times[len(current_branch) + 1] branching_time_1 = self.__branching_times[len(current_branch) + 2] # Compute reverse ensemble member index-to-distance index map. reverse = {} for i, member_i in enumerate(branches[current_branch]): reverse[member_i] = i # Compute distances between ensemble members, summed for all # forecast variables for forecast_variable in options["forecast_variables"]: # We assume the time stamps of the forecasts in all ensemble # members to be identical timeseries = self.constant_inputs(ensemble_member=0)[forecast_variable] els = np.logical_and( timeseries.times >= branching_time_0, timeseries.times < branching_time_1 ) # Compute distance between ensemble members for i, member_i in enumerate(branches[current_branch]): timeseries_i = self.constant_inputs(ensemble_member=member_i)[forecast_variable] for j, member_j in enumerate(branches[current_branch]): timeseries_j = self.constant_inputs(ensemble_member=member_j)[ forecast_variable ] distances[i, j] += np.linalg.norm( timeseries_i.values[els] - timeseries_j.values[els] ) # Keep track of ensemble members that have not yet been allocated # to a new branch available = set(branches[current_branch]) # We first select the scenario with the max distance to any other branch idx = np.argmax(np.amax(distances, axis=0)) for i in range(options["k"]): if idx >= 0: branches[current_branch + (i,)] = [branches[current_branch][idx]] available.remove(branches[current_branch][idx]) # We select the scenario with the max min distance to the other branches min_distances = np.array( [ min( [np.inf] + [ distances[j, k] for j, member_j in enumerate(branches[current_branch]) if member_j not in available and member_k in available ] ) for k, member_k in enumerate(branches[current_branch]) ], dtype=np.float64, ) min_distances[np.where(min_distances == np.inf)] = -np.inf idx = np.argmax(min_distances) if min_distances[idx] <= 0: idx = -1 else: branches[current_branch + (i,)] = [] # Cluster remaining ensemble members to branches for member_i in available: min_i = 0 min_distance = np.inf for i in range(options["k"]): branch2 = branches[current_branch + (i,)] if len(branch2) > 0: distance = distances[reverse[member_i], reverse[branch2[0]]] if distance < min_distance: min_distance = distance min_i = i branches[current_branch + (min_i,)].append(member_i) # Recurse for i in range(options["k"]): branch(current_branch + (i,)) current_branch = () branches[current_branch] = list(range(self.ensemble_size)) branch(current_branch) logger.debug("ControlTreeMixin: Control tree is:") logger.debug(branches) self.__branches = branches # By now, the tree branches have been set up. We now rely # on the default discretization logic to call discretize_control() # for each (control variable, ensemble member) pair. return super().discretize_controls(resolved_bounds) @property def control_tree_branches(self) -> Dict[Tuple[int], List[int]]: """ Returns a dictionary mapping the branch id (a Tuple of ints) to a list of ensemble members in said branch. Note that the root branch is an empty tuple containing all ensemble members. """ return self.__branches.copy()